17 May Gingham Pieces for Spring-Some of My Picks
Next week, I will be sharing a gingham look, along with my friend, Kellyann, just one of several that I have from my closet for Spring. Something about this look evokes warm and fuzzy feelings from me, as I think of this vintage pattern. It makes me think of that picnic tablecloth in red and white squares
From post- Pink Gingham and White Denim
I loved this larger gingham pattern from last year at Banana Republic. Read the post HERE.
My mom told me she had a number of gingham pieces when she grew up. Boy, I wish I had mom’s clothes to look through, I am sure there were some treasures!
I’ll be talking a bit more about gingham and what I am wearing on Monday’s post, but for now, what makes it so popular?
Could it be that The Wizard of Oz was my favorite movie as a child, and Dorothy wore that memorable blue gingham dress? Gingham has a nostalgic feel for me, and you can envision it in other musicals like Oklahoma and others. I do like musicals!
Remember Gilligan’s Island? I can still sing all the words to the opening song.! Maryann, was often seen in a gingham dress.
It is different from plaid, as gingham as the single color and is symmetrical in its design, of squares.
“** Wiki source**Gingham” comes from the Malayan word genggang, or “striped.” The way we identify gingham, as being a contrasting-check shirt, was not the way in which the fabric was originally known.
I think of gingham as the perfect print to wear to a picnic! Let’s face it, the rattan bag, and the gingham print looks like you already brought the picnic with you! 🙂
Have you ventured into the world of Gingham? If you love this look, pop over on Monday, when my friend, Kellyann and I style gingham.
By the way, I am still waiting to hear about my tests from the doctor. Usually, I get results in 1-2 days, but the allergy test is taking longer. I sometimes envy my pup’s vet service, as they call about the bloodwork and also have made weekend phone calls. I think they get better service!
I’ve gathered some beautiful gingham pieces for you to peruse for your Spring closet.
Have a great weekend!
Jess xx
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Posted at 23:58h, 19 MayWhat a /lovely collection, Jess. Although I have to admit I don’t have a single pieces of clothing in this print, I really like your outfits
Cheryl Tucker
Posted at 17:04h, 17 MayI love your collection of gingham! I have a couple of tops, a dress and a pair of cropped pants in gingham that I love. Hope you get good news soon on your tests! I have said more than once I would just rather go to our family vet for healthcare! They are so fabulous!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:49h, 18 MayI have some more tops/ dresses that I will share on the blog. Your cropped pants sound wonderful, id love to see those! Thank you for the well wishes, I hope to find out Monday. xx
Posted at 16:13h, 17 MayI love gingham! It is such a classic and you are right, it just evokes such good feelings. I always loved Mary Ann from GI and Dorothy from Wizard of Oz – gosh I’d love her dress!!
Have the best weekend my friend!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:48h, 18 MayI know, Maryann and Ginger! Thank you , you too! xx
Posted at 09:10h, 17 MayI’ve only in the last couple of years become so obsessed with gingham. I am on the hunt for yellow gingham lately!!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:15h, 17 MayI love yellow gingham and will be sharing it on the blog soon. I tend to go for the colors that aren’t as traditional- pink, sea blue, mustard yellow. xx
Posted at 07:02h, 17 MayThose are gorgeous pieces. I love gingham, it’s so pretty and it does remind me of a picnic, which I love. I really need to get some more gingham pieces this spring and summer.
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:10h, 17 MayHi Marta!
It is a timeless print and reminds me of earlier times. There are a lot of great pieces out there! xx