Personal / 17.08.2018
Change Can Be Good
Morning friends!Do you have the same routine each day? Does it vary much? Or do you experience "Ground Hog Day?"Well, if you are familiar with the 1993 Film staring Bill Murray, "Ground Hog Day' , then you may understand. In the film, Bill Murray's character, TV Weatherman, Phil Conners, while covering the annual Punxsawtony Groundhog Day event, is caught in a time loop, repeating the same day over and over again. I can't believe "Ground Hog Day" the movie, turns 25, and there are still many lessons that are applicable today. There have been times, where working as a blogger at home, I wake up and say to my hubby , "Its Groundhog Day" realizing that my routine has not varied in some time. Could you imagine a time where you would be caught in a loop, in time, each day being the same??