05 Mar Chicos – #HowBoldAreYou ?
Happy Monday ladies!
Chicos has launched a campaign asking women “How Bold are you?‘ I was asked my birth date and sent this adorable tee stating, “49 Years Bold.’ It reminded me of the ladies in the Fierce 50 group, and the message that no matter what our age, we can succeed, have confidence, and be proud of who we are.
When you think of being ‘Bold’ what does it mean to you? I am wearing this tee with pride, as I am happy to be 49, and at midlife. I feel this is the time in my life where I am more at ease with myself and my lifestyle I am a person that believes, “age is just a number.’ as cliche as that is. I have always believed that it is one’s attitude that is important and getting older doesn’t mean you give up on things.
I am grateful through blogging, that I have met so many strong, BOLD women, realizing that we can do anything that we put our mind to!
When dressing BOLD, I thought of a bold color to add to this look-red! Red is one of those colors is deemed a powerful color, a color that gets noticed. I added this red chunky necklace, new Baublebar earrings and pointed red wedges for pops of color with this casual look. I like to think of this spikier necklace is BOLD!
I also love to wear large prints, bold colors and accessories. I have fun experimenting with style and don’t listen to the silly “fashion rules” for women at midlife! I dress how I like! 🙂
Some other Bold Looks-
How are you bold in personality and in style?
Chico’s #HowBoldAreYou Campaign is current, and you can get your own t-shirt and read more at their website, Chico’s
Read more with my post Am I Too Old? which talks about how important it is to do things you enjoy in life, no matter the age!
have a great day!
Jess xx
Visible Monday hosted by Patti at Not Dead Yet Style
Shoe and Tell hosted by Cherie at Style Nudge
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Creative Mondays hosted by Claire Justine of Claire Justine
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Claire justine
Posted at 05:02h, 11 MarchLove your bold look Jess. Great outfits, you have some beautiful clothes and shoes. Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂 Hope you can join us tomorrow.
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 08:43h, 12 MarchThank you Claire! xx
Posted at 16:39h, 10 MarchYou are too fabulous Jess, I just love this campaign! You look absolutely fabulous in all of your looks!
xx, Chanda | http://www.mschanda.com
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 19:30h, 10 MarchThank you Chandra! you are too sweet. It is a great campagin! xx
Paula Holloway
Posted at 14:05h, 09 MarchYou always look so great Jess!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 20:30h, 09 Marchaw, thank you Paula!~I will pop by your blog this weekend. Happy Friday! xx
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 08:55h, 10 MarchThank you Paula! This was an inspiring campaign, and fun! xx
Posted at 20:52h, 08 MarchIt is very important to do things you like in life, I love the pops of red you add to the outfits.
~ xo Sheree
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:00h, 09 MarchI agree! Thanks Sheree! xx
Amy Christensen
Posted at 20:21h, 06 MarchLove your bold looks, Jess. You always do such a wonderful job of incorporation color and uniqueness in your outfits. I agree that age is just a number, so it is important to still pursue our dreams and desires even as we age…perhaps more so. Thanks for your continued inspiration! – Amy
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:46h, 07 MarchThank you Amy! So true, I think one should do what they enjoy no matter the age. Enjoy your day Amy! xx
Kristin McMillan
Posted at 11:34h, 06 MarchFabulous post, Jess, and I share your attitude about age. We have a LOT to be proud of in making it this far and coping with all the things life has handed us as well as all the blessings! And yaaaaay for you in not following those silly fashion “rules” for women of any age. Says who, right?! I never ever followed any fashion rules and sure don’t plan on starting now just because I’m not 25 anymore. It is a great feeling, isn’t it, to finally be comfortable in our own skin and not worry about what everyone else things about how we look. I love that I can feel so much more free now. And bold? Welllll…you’ve seen some of my designs, so you know I like to wear bold things too! 😉 Love that delicious red you went with here for your bold statement! Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend! xoxox
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 12:14h, 06 MarchHi Kristin!
Thank you! So true. When I get down, I do think about all of the blessings and things I have overcome, as I am sure you have too! Yes, I think women should dress in what they love and not worry about rules, who makes them anyway! Wishing you a wonderful day too! xx
Posted at 16:19h, 05 MarchWhat a fabulous post! I really admire you, Jess, for dressing how you like and throwing all the “age rules” out the window. Style is truly ageless! And you wear the bold red so well!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 12:06h, 06 MarchThank you Roxanne! Yes, I don’t feel style has an age limit! 🙂 xx
Posted at 13:48h, 05 MarchI love this effort by Chico’s – it’s been so neat to see everyone wearing their t-shirts! Yes, I agree – 49 is just fine with me too. Age is just a number and yes it sounds cliche but it’s true. I know other 49 year olds that seem OLD and I know 60 year olds that seem so YOUNG and it has nothing to do with how they look but everything to do with their attitude. We are stronger and better than ever because we know more and we do more. Like fine wine we get better with age!
You are just gorgeous in all of these looks Jess!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 12:07h, 06 MarchI know exactly what you mean! Yes, i know people like this too.. it really is state of mind! I like the wine referance! 🙂 Thanks so much! xx
Posted at 12:43h, 05 MarchJess,
Isn’t this a wonderful campaign for women to be proud of their age?
We are so lucky that Chico’s is a brand that’s target market is over 40 and fabulous!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 12:08h, 06 MarchSo true! I am happy that companies like them exist! This was a fun post! Have a great day Robin! xx
Posted at 09:23h, 05 MarchBold is the only way to be—-and I love that we can showcase our age!!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:46h, 05 Marchso true Jodie! why not? Thanks for stopping! xx
Suzy Turner
Posted at 07:42h, 05 MarchLOVE this post, Jess! That tee is brilliant – I would proudly tell the world I’m 42 and bold too! However, I’d probably prefer a tee with my birth year on it so I could wear it for the next ten years too lol!
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Suzy xx
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:46h, 05 MarchHehe! I know…Ill be 50 this summer. Thank you Suzy, you too! xx