Spotlight On: Over 40 Fashion-Not Dead Yet Style - Elegantly Dressed and Stylish
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Spotlight On: Over 40 Fashion-Not Dead Yet Style



Hello ladies

I am bringing you this monthly series and am happy to introduce my blogger friend, Patti from her blog Not Dead Yet Style.

I loved the name from the start as it seems the older we get the more society may perceive us as not having as much style! I do believe this is changing as more and more ladies share their beautiful looks and fashion , just through their Over 40 blogs! We know there are many ladies out there that love fashion into their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond




1. I LOVE the name of your blog Not Dead Yet.

Do you find as people get older, there is a fear of one becoming less noticeable? Doing

less?  Tell me the thought behind the name?

The name came from one of my dear friends, Joni. She is six months

younger than me (argh!) so we are peers. We still love style, music,

makeup and our husbands. During one of our talks she said, “Well, we’re

not dead yet.” Thus a title was born! Then came the hard work. Of course I

have become less noticeable in a physical way over the last ten years. The

days of turning heads at the pub are past. But I still want to look and feel

alive, and creative, and have something to bring to the table.

2. Do you think there is a stigma with women over 40 still in how one

should dress, or are more and more women “taking risks” when

choosing and wearing clothes?

Sadly, there are still lots of books and blogs advising women over 40 (and

by the way, 40 sounds so young!) on what not to wear. Those lists bore

me. Now if you have a corporate job with a dress code, of course you

follow along. But many of us have the freedom to dress as the spirit moves

us. It’s wonderful to see women over 40 expressing themselves with their

clothing. I think risk-taking is an energizing way to go; after all, we aren’t

going to get arrested for what we wear (most of the time).

3. You have lovely curly hair; how do you style it in the morning? In the


Thank you! I try to do as little with my hair as possible, as it’s very fine and

fragile. I wash it two or three times a week, year round. I let it air dry with a

half dozen claw-clips in it, to enhance the curl. In the morning, I smooth in

some leave-in conditioner, and shake it and go. I might add a dollop of

leave-in cream during the day if it’s getting unruly.

4. Tell us how did you start your Monday linkup Visible Monday, and how

long have you hosting it? Do you find it helpful in getting inspiration?

I started visible Monday after a trip to New York City, during which I was

starting to feel invisible due to my age. I had to write about it on my blog,

and the response was so positive, I created a venue for all of us to feel

more visible. We started with just three or four participants and it’s grown to

well over 100. I have taken the summer off from Visible Monday, but we will

be up and running again in just three weeks!

5. Are there any designers that inspire you, or any other individuals in your

life, when it comes to dressing?

I find most of my inspiration from fellow bloggers, yourself included! As far

as designers, I love anything by Eileen Fisher, although her price points are

high for me. I enjoy Trina Turk, Nanette Lepore, and Betsey Johnson for

their feminine creations. I sometimes luck out and find them in a

consignment or thrift store. That’s a happy day.

6. If your best friend wore something, the “rules ” deemed inappropriate

due to age, would you say anything to her?  What is considered


Great question, Jess! I probably would not say anything about what she’s

wearing. Since I am a shrink by nature and by training, I might ask her how

she’s feeling that day : > I support creativity and individuality, and have

“rules” only for myself, not for others.

7. Do you think more women are accepting getting older, and growing old

gracefully, or are we still wanting to find “the magic lotion” “pill” “


I think we midlife women are fairly diverse in how we answer this question.

Many of my friends, while growing old “gracefully”, still enjoy facials, skin

creams, and some measures short of surgery, like Botox and fillers. I don’t

see anything wrong or bad about this; we are all managing our aging as we

see fit. I must say I have high respect and regard for those women who

eschew external aids, and truly age “naturally.” (See, e.g. Judi Dench and

Maggie Smith.)

8. If you are going away to the beach for vacation, what 6 items would you

have to pack?

When we travel, it’s almost always to the big city, and we live across the

street from the beach! But if I had to be on my way to Hawaii, I would bring

a couple breezy cotton dresses, flat sandals, a huge sun hat, and my own

bathing outfit: A surfing “skin”, and a pair of colorful board shorts. And

sunscreen that works on the face of the sun.

9. Dresses or pants? Why?

Skirts are my favorites, because they are both comfortable and versatile,

and easy to fit. When shopping, I find myself attracted to the skirt section.

This summer, I have been experimenting with some easy dresses, like

those made by Karina, and they certainly make dressing more simple. I

love my cotton boyfriend trousers too

10. What are you more inclined to splurge on, or invest in?

I don’t mind spending some $$$ on fine jewelry, a great fitting and funky

pair of shoes, or a fine leather bag. I am spoiled by years of consignment

and thrift shopping, and I am allergic to full price for most clothing items.

11. Tell the readers something that may surprise them!

And that won’t get me in trouble?! I am a late starter in life. I became a

psychotherapist at age 40. I didn’t marry Sandy till I was 47, and that’s the

single best thing I ever did. And I didn’t have my first alcoholic beverage

until I was 23, but I grew to enjoy them : >

12. What advice would you give to someone  40+ just starting blogging?

You don’t want to be like the others, you want to be you. Don’t try to copy

other bloggers, even if they are successful. Speak with your voice, be kind,

and keep your mind open to all possibilities. For the technical part, there

are lots of good articles on the web about how to market your blog. I still

believe the most important thing is to be an individual with a point of view.

13. Do you have a “uniform” or a favorite outfit or style of clothing you like

to wear on the weekend?

Since I have retired, every day is the weekend! For summer, I often wear

cotton or linen cropped pants or a full skirt. On top you will find me in a

loose and light tank or tee. To dress this look up a bit, I just add bangle

bracelets, higher wedge sandals, and/or some drop earrings. Every day

means red lipstick, that’s my signature.

14. Milan or New York?

I haven’t been to Milan yet. I am still working on my beloved husband to

create our retirement getaway in New York City. New York forever.

Thank you Patti and readers, I hope you enjoyed this interview.

Follow Patti here on Facebook, and  Bloglovin.

If you are interested in learning more about this series, or following me to learn more: Follow on Instagram or Bloglovin.








Thank you, and Have a great weekend! I will be back in the Lake Norman, Charlotte area, as we come home from our trip Sunday!

Jess xo

Follow me for Updates on the Spotlight On Series through Bloglovin or Facebook

Follow Patti of Not Dead Yet Style on Bloglovin and Facebook to keep up with her blog and style!


  • Andrea@WellnessNotes
    Posted at 23:16h, 01 September Reply

    I really enjoyed this interview. Patti’s style is great, and I love the name of her blog, too. It definitely got me to notice her blog! 🙂

  • Dawn Lucy
    Posted at 19:06h, 31 August Reply

    ADORE Patti! And also love the name of her blog. No, we’re not dead yet …. let’s live it up!

    Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday!

    Dawn Lucy

  • Bogi RedReticule
    Posted at 10:29h, 31 August Reply

    I love her feminine, classic style with a modern twist.
    Red Reticule

  • Vale
    Posted at 09:40h, 31 August Reply

    Lovely interview, Patti rocks, she’s such a great blogger and person 🙂 Kisses Jess !

    Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog

  • Babyblue
    Posted at 02:14h, 31 August Reply

    Great Looks, Jess. Sunny Greets from Berlin 🙂

  • Petite Silver Vixen
    Posted at 18:39h, 29 August Reply

    Lovely to see Patti featured on your blog. Love her advice to those new to blogging about staying true to yourself. We can take that and use it in all areas of our lives.

  • Jill James
    Posted at 02:08h, 29 August Reply

    Jess, thank you for providing a little insight into Patti and her wonderful blog.

  • Pam@over50feeling40
    Posted at 16:24h, 28 August Reply

    Patti has done a lot for our Midlife+ Fashion Community! You did a great job with a tribute to her.

  • Jennie
    Posted at 11:11h, 28 August Reply

    I admire Patti’s style and truly enjoyed reading this and learning more about her. Great spotlight feature, Jess!

  • Mary Murnane
    Posted at 11:02h, 28 August Reply

    Great post, Jess! Always fun getting to know other women, regardless of age, who love fashion! xox-M

  • cassidl
    Posted at 10:06h, 28 August Reply

    what a lovely post, thanks for sharing and helping us get to know Patti

  • Posh Prime
    Posted at 09:48h, 28 August Reply

    She is so fun! I Love her style and the name of her blog!

  • Patti
    Posted at 08:43h, 28 August Reply

    Thank you so much Jess – you’re kind and generous in your blogging, as well as a total babe! Have a fabulous weekend. xo

  • asallows
    Posted at 07:47h, 28 August Reply

    Patti has a wonderful blog! I love seeing everything she wears. She totally rocks it all!

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