THT-Beating the Winter Slump: Tips for Overcoming January
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THT-Beating the Winter Slump: Tips for Overcoming January Blues


I don’t know about you, but I have never been a fan of January. It’s those after-the-holidays not much happening, cold weather blues.

We all need some tips to help us through these Winter months.

Perhaps its because I have never been a “snow bunny” or really liked the cold that I find January and Winter tough to deal with. Don’t get me wrong, Charlotte still has some sun as opposed to when I lived in Pittsbugh and was scraping the car, shoveling the driveway and just the grey of it all too.

I think, part of it mentally for me, is the bareness of it all. No flowers, bare trees.

If you are like me and find January or the Winter months a bit challenging, I am looking to the positive side, and am sharing some tips to how to beat those winter blues.

Reading by the Fireplace

I have a few book recommendations for you. A few I have read, and one I am about to read.

Ruth Ware- The It Girl

I finished this book over Christmas and it was the first time I read Ruth Ware, it was so good! Highly recommend. I will be reading more of her books in the future.

Kristin Hannah- The Women

Ever since I read “The Nightengale”, I have been loving her books. Historical Fiction is one of my favorite genres and she does it so well!

This book takes place during the Vietnam War.

Take a New Class

Whether it is physical, like a new gym class, or musical, like guitar lessons, learn something new! Keeping the brain active is very important, so only sitting zombie eyed in front of the tv during the Winter months is not always the best thing. (Although, there are some great shows on Netflix to watch too- I love Harlen Coban)

Try a new language on one of the apps. I use Duolingo for Italian, but there are others out there as well.

Schedule Some Plans

If you have something to look forward to in these Winter months, I believe it puts you in a better mood. We have events planned in February, such a several wine classes- Chocolate and Wine pairings, Argentinian wines. Think about plans to go out and listen to music. Charlotte has a Jazz Room, and we are taking my mom to hear this world-renowned jazz guitarist.

Socialization is also key in those winter months. We have our favorite haunt, The Cottage Wine Bar, and love to just hang out and socialize and talk to people.

Travel- plan a trip

You don’t have to jet off to Europe, to enjoy a trip. Perhaps it even a weekend “Staycation” at a lovely hotel nearby and you explore parts of your own hometown you haven’t seen. Maybe it is a state that is a 4 hour drive from you that you haven’t explored.


I just went to orientation at Lake Norman Humane and am very much looking forward to volunteering there. I will be going two times a week. If you aren’t interested in working with animals, there are plenty of other volunteer opportunities around.


Whether it is a spa-day, a facial, or just giving yourself some treatments at home, it can help boost your mood. Who doesn’t love a great face mask? I know it takes more than a face mask to get out of the “January Funk”, but get your nails done at a salon, or a pedicure, a pick me up always helps the mood

Women ‘s hands. Multi- colored manicure using red, black and white colors . Three nails painted red. The nail on index finger is white with black polka dots . On little finger black white polka dots

*image Victoria Nail salon


I know not everyone loves to exercise, but perhaps your routine is stale. You have been doing the same thing for years and you just aren’t excited about it. Try a new class, but listen to your body! I know sometimes people can go full steam ahead in January, only to end up sore and not wanting to go back. I started with 2 days a week for my Cardio Funk class, and experienced some burning pelvic pain with this amount, so I am scaling back to one day to see how my body reacts.

Maybe you haven’t tried a water aerobics class. It is great way to work the muscles and is low impact and as we know endorphins help our mood. I do run or walk 5 days a week, and miss it when I don’t!

image credit-YMCA

Sun Lamp

If you have SAD ( Seasonal Affective Disorder) one way to help is through a sun lamp. Another way is by getting some Vitamin D on the days that are sunny, even if it is 10 minutes outside.

And if these things don’t work, you can hibernate until Spring, just like the bears ! 🙂

What are some things you do for the Winter Doldrums or January Blues?

Have a great week!
Jess xx



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  • Mubin
    Posted at 05:23h, 20 January Reply

    Great ideas for chasing away the winter blues, Jess! I am not a fan of cold weather either, and we are experiencing our first snowfall presently. ❄️ Perfect time to implement some of your suggestions. Hope you enjoy your week, and thanks for the link up! Fashion and beauty

  • Laura Bambrick
    Posted at 22:04h, 17 January Reply

    Fantastic tips! I use a sun lamp too. And exercise and reading books really help me.

  • Emma Peach
    Posted at 12:17h, 17 January Reply

    I always find January a drag – I get impatient for Spring! Exercise really helps me feel better, as does getting outside when the sun is shining…even if it’s bitterly cold!

    Emma xxx

  • Gail
    Posted at 02:28h, 17 January Reply

    I don’t enjoy January very much, except on the occasional blue sky sunny days. Great suggestions. I love booking outings and holidays at this time xx

  • Cheryl Shops
    Posted at 20:38h, 16 January Reply

    I’m not a fan of winter either, but I’ve been taking advantage of the yucky weather and staying inside to do some major closet and cabinet de-cluttering—I feel so much better already!
    Cheryl Shops |

  • jodie
    Posted at 15:18h, 16 January Reply

    How fun to volunteer there Jess. I would bring home all of the pets, LOL

  • Midlife and Beyond
    Posted at 11:57h, 16 January Reply

    As I’m getting older, I seem to dislike the colder weather more. It was a blizzard on my daily walk, today which was a shock to the system. We usually try to go to the Canary Islands in January on a cheapie holiday but our little fur baby (Jarvis our British Short-haired cat) is still poorly so we need to look after him. We have all our fingers and toes crossed. Enjoy the rest of your week, Jess.
    Alison x

  • Jill
    Posted at 10:07h, 16 January Reply

    I like winter less and less every year I get older. These are great ideas to get out of a winter slump. Adding both of those book recommendations to my library list!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  • Di
    Posted at 09:54h, 16 January Reply

    Great ideas for chasing away the winter blues, Jess! I am not a fan of cold weather either, and we are experiencing our first snowfall presently. ❄️ Perfect time to implement some of your suggestions. Hope you enjoy your week, and thanks for the link up!

  • Jacqui Berry
    Posted at 09:49h, 16 January Reply

    I don’t really care for January either, it’s always a drag and a bore and always cold! The only good thing that I like is if I go skiing. Not sure if it will happen this year but maybe in Feb. Have a nice time in front of the fire Jess xx

  • mireille
    Posted at 09:07h, 16 January Reply

    I actually like the winter: I love the layers and the blue sky on some days interspersed with gloomy days. I just wish we would get snow more often instead of every 6 years or so.

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