Do You Spend More Money as a Fashion Blogger? - Elegantly Dressed and Stylish
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Do You Spend More Money as a Fashion Blogger?



Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! My girl Truffles, ( girl puppy that is!) turned 9 on Sunday! She still acts like a puppy, running around each morning and playing with her plush toys. She is gentle and so loving, and we give her some special food for the day, but she isn’t big on the party hats! I adore both of them-her and Gibson, as they are the best companions and so fun to be around. I don’t know if I have told you this, but when we were thinking of chocolate names for her ( she had even darker brown hair) we thought of Hershey, Truffles, Rouche ( Ro-shay), you know those gold covered wrapped hazelnut balls ? We laugh now as Roche sounds very pretentious and she is most certainly NOT. hehe.

I thought I would bring up a topic which was discussed at the lunch table when we went to the Good Housekeeping/Jambu event. I know many people don’t like to talk finances, but this was a question i think I wondered about when I first became a blogger. How do i continue blogging about fashion if I have to purchase new outfits all of the time?

Tank top from Limited bought on Poshmark, jeans from h&m and shoes ASOS

My trench coat from Anthropologie, bought on Poshmark-

I have to say my curiosity is peaked when I see bloggers in new outfits all of the time. I love clothes, no doubt, but I am particular about my  sticking to my budget, and do set a monthly allotment on clothing. Over the years, I have felt that quality over quantity would be the way I would add to my closet. I certainly have the staples, and now it is about buying items that work with my lifestyle and go with my current wardrobe. I also ask the question, “Do I love it?” before i buy anything.

I am curious to hear from other bloggers.

Are you influenced by all of the outfits you see on other blogs?

Do you feel you have to keep up with the trends and buy new items often?

Do you continue to feel like you must have new clothes to show?

Do you give in to temptation when you see someone wearing something you like, and buy it right away?

Those of my readers that aren’t bloggers and read many blogs, do  you feel you need to constantly update your wardrobe?

I was talking about this topic to one of the bloggers at the Jambu event. We both agreed that it is often more advantageous to show how an item is worn several times, and how to be creative with what you have existing in your closet. i do feel like that takes more creativity than showing new outfits all of the time. How do I style this scarf in several different ways? How to wear  white denim in all the seasons…

It’s not to say I don’t enjoy buying new clothes. I just find out what i want to add to my closet, and will often then give away something i don’t wear ( to my sister, or to Goodwill) as to not have an abundance with items I am not wearing.  It certainly is tempting when you see the sales, and love something on someone who you think you need to have, but i think it is even more rewarding to have a working wardrobe or items you love, and have budgeted for.

I will also sell clothes that I am not interested in wearing or the style doesn’t appeal to me anymore on Poshmark. Sometimes on Ebay. I am sure you have read about resell sites and it is a way to make some extra money or clothes you sell for replacements. I will add some this week to my Poshmark Closet.

My father in law told my hubby, that my budget should be quite less now, with some of the items I receive from brands as a blogger. Well, hmmm. once a shopper always a shopper, but I have always been conscientious. I have received shoes from different companies this Spring, so i will save on not buying shoes this season.

I also love to update for a new season with some new jewelry. Instead of buying more clothes, add some fresh new earrings to your outfits. i am a sucker for florals, so I adore this floral pair and these!

As I have mentioned, I have also found pieces for my wardrobe, in Poshmark, if you haven’t shopped there at this on-line thrift store, read this post! Brands that may be a bit pricier, I can find at a fraction. You can also make offers which are fair and then lower the price even more. I need to try Ebay again. I used to shop there and bought several of my handbags there, I find that doing some thrift shopping on-line and using discounts, i stay within my budget. It can be tricky though, as a fashion blogger, there is temptation all around!

Id love to hear your thoughts! As a fashion blogger, do you buy more? Are you influenced by other blogs? Do you stick to your spending budget for clothes/

Have a great day!


Jess xx

Visible Monday hosted by Patti at Not Dead Yet Style

Shoe and Tell hosted by Cherie at Style Nudge

Hello Monday hosted by Carylee of More Pieces of Me and Jenna of Sincerely Jenna Marie

Start the Week Stylish hosted by Ana Luiza of Northwest Blonde, Michelle Paige of Michelle’s Pa(i)ge, and Adriele of Style Assisted

Creative Mondays hosted by Claire Justine of Claire Justine

On Mondays We Link-Up hosted by Roxanne of Glass of Glam

TBB Link Up hosted by Living on Cloud Nine

Style On the Daily hosted by Amy Ann of Straight A Style and Gina of On the Daily Express

I Feel Pretty hosted by Alison of Get Your Pretty On

Jersey Girl, Texan Heart hosted by Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart

Trendy Wednesday hosted by Leanne at Classy Yet Trendy

Style Me Wednesday hosted by Liz at Shopping My Closet

  • Allen Alfred Francis
    Posted at 12:08h, 04 August Reply

    I don’t have the most fashion sense. I want to start blogging about retro 1990s fashion coming back into style. I think you should spend whatever your budget allows, but if you’re living check to check then you should spend less than 10% of your entire budget on fashion. But if you got it to spend, then splurge.

  • Angie
    Posted at 15:11h, 01 May Reply

    Hi, Jess! Interesting blog post. I am finding as a new blogger, I am able to get more for less because. Other bloggers are inspiring me to try new things at great deals. Although I haven’t been blogging long and I am not yet making money at it, I feel richer than ever. 🙂 Thanks for showing that we’re all in this together! – Angie,

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 11:30h, 02 May Reply

      Hi Angie!
      Thank you. Yes, true you do learn to shop smart and get good deals. Glad you enjoyed the post! x

  • Sheela Goh
    Posted at 22:41h, 23 April Reply

    I shop more, yes, but I think (or at least I hope) less in terms of dollars spent. Proportionately. Like you, I’ve found Poshmark to be a treasure trove of pieces, and I purchase many things there, frequently. That said, lately I’ve been trying to work with what I already own and not shop. Too much 🙂 I’m blessed that I am rarely tempted by what I see other bloggers wear, because I don’t want to be wearing what others are, you know? I really appreciate this topic, Jessica, it’s certainly something not everyone likes to talk about. The realities of blogging xoxo

  • Alexandra
    Posted at 14:10h, 23 April Reply

    This was a topic I have been so interested in, and curious. Fashion is so interesting to me. I love seeing all the different styles, and colors, but putting it all together is something I struggle with. I need some classes. Good thing I found a few fashion blogs to follow, like this one! As a crocheter, I have always wanted to do garments and accessories, and as I work on this, I have been trying to more conscientious of the outfit. An example, to photograph a shawl, first put a dress on the dress form to show it in use. I would love to be able to get more into fashion outfit posts and budget friendly fashion, but I was worried about money I might have to invest to have something new to share all the time. It has been very helpful reading your thoughts, and all the comments of others on here. Another thing I have been keeping in mind, are the awesome affiliate opportunities for said purchases to get a little kick back as well.

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 18:56h, 23 April Reply

      Thank you for your input Alexandra! Glad I am helpful to you! I really enjoy putting clothes together as outfits and find it satifies part of my creative side, especially trying new things through blogging. yes, i do feel that we, as fashion bloggers enjoy shopping, but you also want to make use to the closet and being able to style things in different ways to get more wear out of a garment. I appreciate your input as well. xx

  • Claire justine
    Posted at 05:03h, 22 April Reply

    Great post Jess. I do not have a big budget as a mum of 4 so I do not really buy many new clothes. I do get inspired by other blogs and sometime base my purchases on things I have seen others wear. Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, you will be one of my featured blogs tomorrow 🙂

    • Jess
      Posted at 19:23h, 22 April Reply

      Thank you Claire for the feature! I understand how everyone s budget is different, especially with a large family. I appreciate your input♥️

  • Shelly
    Posted at 16:50h, 19 April Reply

    I actually would venture to say I spend less but have more! Since blogging I’ve actually learned how to dress my self more efficiently and stopped shopping higher priced boutiques. Now instead of buying one outfit I buy pieces that work with other pieces I already have.

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:06h, 20 April Reply

      Shelly, that is awesome! I am the same. I would say I do more shopping on thrift sites like Poshmark, and usually buy items on sale. I am also at a point in my life, where I am not looking to amass quantity but quality. Thanks for your comment! x

  • Maureen
    Posted at 14:05h, 18 April Reply

    I love to shop which was why I figured why not start a blog! But if you have read my blog most of the stuff I have written about are items that I have had for awhile. While I do pick up a top here or in a few months, I don’t like to always buy new. After all I don’t work and even though I have a budget I find that buying experiences (dinner dates or brunches with girl friends, etc) are better suited for my money. That’s not to say that I don’t window shop I do and I love it and that’s also not to say that if I found something I like that I won’t buy, if it fits my lifestyle you can betcha it will come home with me. It’s just that I like to be more intentional about shopping. Regarding seeing other bloggers with new stuff all the time, I am okay with it as perhaps their lifestyle can afford it but at the same time I do feel frivolous about seeing new things all the time. I kind of been turned off with Instagram in this way because I do see stuff just thrown in my face. Sometimes 4 or 5 times by same blogger and I feel overwhelmed not because I want to buy but because it feels so wrong.

    Maureen |

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:10h, 20 April Reply

      I understand! I looked at where my deficit was in my wardrobe, and it was spring tops. i bought some on sale, and have enough to mix and match for Spring. We, too love to go out and will be going on a trip in the fall, some home improvement/nick nacks. etc. I also am intentional and have to buy things I love and that will go with what i already have. It certainly does seem unnecissary to me to always be buying new. Thank you for your input! xx

  • Elsie
    Posted at 13:57h, 18 April Reply

    This is an issue that I’ve been grappling with too Jess! Sometimes I am tempted to buy a new outfit so I have something “new” to share. But like you, I try to show multiple ways to wear something instead. But even so, I do think I spend more being a blogger than I would have if I wasn’t. I’m working on reeling that in…Wish me luck!

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:12h, 20 April Reply

      Good luck Elsie! Yes, I have gone down the path of buying .. I think even more so in my first couple years of blogging. Now, i do think there is so much one can do with a current wardrobe, especially if it isnt all trends. xx

  • Bojana
    Posted at 10:13h, 18 April Reply

    This is a great question to explore. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and here is where I land currently, it’s always changing. I am a working mom, so my love for clothing isn’t front and center when we are doing our budgets. Like you mentioned I also have a $100/month budget and for the most part I stick to that. I do get sucked into the I WANT culture often and the budget helps me check myself at the door. I also write down exactly what pieces I would like to add to my wardrobe so that I don’t overbuy and I carry the list along with me, if the item isn’t on their or I know I have enough of that particular item (tops) I walk away, if I can’t stop thinking about it, then I might indulge. I am about staying real and reasonable so many pieces are on repeat during a season and year after year.

    Love your blog.

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:14h, 20 April Reply

      I think this is a very smart way to go Bojana! I do the same. I write a list of items I want to add to my closet. I also dont buy just to buy, and stick to a monthly budget. I think there is a certain sense of people not being satisfied with what they already own.. maybe it is our culture. Thanks so much for your comment!

  • ivana split
    Posted at 07:18h, 17 April Reply

    This is a great topic! I actually spend next to nothing on clothes. I take good care of my clothes ( I still wear clothing items from my high school days) and I’m fortunate to have inherited a lot of pretty vintage pieces and I wear them often…. as much as I love clothes, there are other things I love more (art, hobbies, education, courses, books) so I tend to spend my money elsewhere.

    …love all of these outfits on you!

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:16h, 20 April Reply

      Ivana, It sounds like you have clothes that have stood the test of time , and wonderful vintage ones at that. Sounds like you have a good balance of where you spend your money. thanks for commenting! xx

  • passion fruit, paws and peonies
    Posted at 03:10h, 17 April Reply

    I was so naive when I started fashion blogging. I spent my entire birthday budget on clothes – only for the items to sell out before I could put them in a post! Now, I’m much more critical about my choices. I have to really love them. I do certainly have more clothes than ever before, but I’ve always been very sensible – now it’s my time (just for now) xx

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:46h, 20 April Reply

      Sounds good Maria! Oh, I think I did the same when I started. Yes, for me, it is making wise choices and timeless clothing. xx

  • Amy Christensen
    Posted at 20:13h, 16 April Reply

    This is a great topic for conversation, Jess. I love to get inspiration from other bloggers as well as catalogues and social media, however, I try to build outfits from things I already own. Of course I still love to shop, so I thrift and I shop clearance racks. I often find things at 75% off or more and while I may not be current to exactly when the trend becomes popular, I decide if I really like the trend and styling it after the fact is no big deal to me. Besides, I have a bit of an attitude about the whole fashion world anyway. I think it is fun to see what is trending, but I also have to be realistic about my budget and what I can actually do as a blogger. Great thoughts. Thanks for getting the conversation started. – Amy

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:48h, 20 April Reply

      Hi Amy
      Thanks for commenting! I do shop thrifting and also with items on sale. I think if one is always looking for “something” then they may miss out on “enjoying’ what they currently have. Just a thought! 🙂 xx

  • Nina from Sharing A Journey
    Posted at 19:30h, 16 April Reply

    Hi Jess! This is a great topic! When I started my blog, my mantra was “use what you have”. That included camera equipment, and all the other stuff that goes with blogging as well as clothes. Five months after I started, the first brands reached out, and I was able to leverage my wardrobe and make very few purchases of my own, but that meant often showing clothes I wouldn’t nessisarily have purchased. I have always been big on styling and accessories so I’ve built that into many of the outfits I put together on the blog. I am also concerned about the impact Fast Fashion is making on our planet—H&M has taken to burning unsold merchandise—and if you’ve been to a Goodwill Lately, you’ll see that they are overrun with clothes. Because of that, Sharing A Journey is showing more classic/timeless locks, focusing on styling rather than trends. You are always stunning, and this was a great post!

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:44h, 20 April Reply

      Thank you Nina for your input. yes, I have noticed that with Goodwill. i just recently gave my sister and neice some of the things i wasn’t wearing anymore. I had no idea about HM, that’s not good! I have been fortunate to work with brands i believe in, and love the style, so i know what you mean about requiring less to style for the blog,as I mentioned to another person, I believe in quality, and having to love something in order to add it to my closet. I do think we need to find happiness in what we have as well. xx

  • mummabstylish
    Posted at 16:57h, 16 April Reply

    I try and limit what I buy each month, but I do LOVE shopping. This seems to work for me, what with just starting to receive items. I have been know to buy something and return it, purely because it didn’t suit me. thanks for sharing this interesting topic Jess. Love the pink dress too. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:21h, 20 April Reply

      Hi Jacqui! Thank you! i do enjoy shopping as well. i do limit myself to a budget, and if i want a more expensive/designer piece, I will save for months to buy it. Thanks for your comment!! xx

  • glassofglam
    Posted at 15:19h, 16 April Reply

    Ah this topic is such a hot one! I do feel tempted sometimes. I even heard that some bloggers will buy, shoot, and return items just to be able to wear what is new and hot. I don’t think that is honest, though. Since I live in a small apartment with limited closet space, that curbs my shopping. I am constantly editing and only keeping things that I love. And with gifted pieces it is easier to have enough clothing to shoot for the blog.

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:19h, 20 April Reply

      Hi Roxanne, I have heard this as well! I really don’t see the point in that. i think as a fashion blogger, you should be demonstrating how to style and wear clothes from your closet. i, too, just am keeping items i love.. and other items go to my sister…Yes! i have been gifted enough shoes this spring to where I dont have to buy any, which is nice. Thanks for your comment! xx

  • Morgan Prince
    Posted at 13:54h, 16 April Reply

    I love to see one piece worn in several different ways. I think we don’t all have a big budget for new clothes all the time so knowing how to style something is really useful. 🙂

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 14:17h, 20 April Reply

      Thank you Morgan for your input. I do think showing multiple ways to style what we own is always advantageous. Building a cohesive wardrobe too, that can be mixed and matched is something i enjoy as well. Thank you xx

  • Elle
    Posted at 13:24h, 16 April Reply

    What a fascinating and relevant post topic. I am glad you are discussing this. I have a lot of clothing, as you know. But I have been building a wardrobe for 50 years!
    When a trend emerges and I feel like wearing something trendy I generally do not have to go outside and buy something new. I also invest in high-quality clothing and these pieces last for decades .
    This is a fairly economical approach. But it does require that I have a lot of closet space. LOL.
    You look beautiful in this outfit with the green top. I also adore that red lace dress .

  • Jess Jannenga
    Posted at 10:42h, 16 April Reply

    Hello Codrut, I agree with you! i may follow a few trends and add them to my closet, but only if I love it and it is comfortable. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Jodie
    Posted at 09:48h, 16 April Reply

    It’s a hard balance because like you said—once a shopper, always a shopper.
    I will find that many of the “new” trends are already in my closet if I take the time to look. And I have found thrifting again, which is always good for the budget!!!
    But I’m sure my spending habits have been affected by blogging—–better than a drug addiction, I always say!!

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 10:51h, 16 April Reply

      Thrifting and using places like Thred up and poshmark really help when it comes to saving and fashion blogging. So true Jodie, you made me laugh. x

  • thisblondesshoppingbag
    Posted at 07:47h, 16 April Reply

    I started buying more once I started reading blogs – it’s so tempting when I see something I like on a real body and it’s just a click away! I do sell a lot of my old clothes to offset the cost but I still need to reign it in. I would like to spend less but I love clothes and have a hard time saying no. It’s been even more difficult since I started working from home because now I no longer need work clothes. It’s harder to justify purchases when I don’t even really need to get too dressed up anymore!
    Thanks for bringing up this topic Jess!

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 10:48h, 16 April Reply

      i understand! i do try and do the same, sell clothes or buy on poshmark for a deal. it is easy to get carried away if you let it. I am presently just adding pieces here and there that wil lgo with my closet and i understand about the working at home part too. With my condition, the blog is what i work on, and i don’t need as many fancier dresses ( so I look for more casual ones :-)) x

  • jaymieashcraft
    Posted at 06:51h, 16 April Reply

    I try not to go crazy buying new things and to just add if I need to replace or update something. I like to play around with what I have.

    • Jess Jannenga
      Posted at 10:44h, 16 April Reply

      Thats great Jaynie! I think we have to be happy and satisfied with what we have sometimes!

  • Codrut Turcanu
    Posted at 05:40h, 16 April Reply

    I believe some people are (heavily) influenced by industry influencers when buying clothes , those in the fashion / lifestyle niche… me and my girlfriend don’t follow the trends, we just buy what looks good, and is comfortable for us…

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