05 Oct Phrases I Would Find Useful on A Trip to Italy
Happy Friday friends!
Just back from PA last night, and I am beat! Looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
As I write this, I was hoping to finish our final steps in preparation for a visit to Italy in the Fall. We had planned on visiting Rome and the Almalfi Coast, staying in the Sorrento area. My hubby has begun his Italian journey by studying Italian on an app called Duo Lingo. As I witnessed some of his lessons, I thought to myself, “sure it is fun to learn another language, especially if one is to visit the area.” However, having learned mostly individual vocabulary words of Spanish in high school, with little context and communication, I thought, It would be best to focus on those phrases I would most likely USE and NEED in Italy.
Unforeseen Change of Plans
Before I get into the necessary phrases, I had realized that I needed to research the protocol for bringing my medicine into the country. What were Italy’s rules about certain medication? I have never traveled oversees, yet this was of utmost importance as I couldn’t go all the way to Italy to find them confiscating my medications. That would have serious repercussions. Since this was a Gov website I was viewing, there was nowhere to easily locate this individual country’s protocol. Would I need a letter from my doc? Are they even allowed in the country? I found it amazing that I could not find a central location on the Italian Embassy’s website for this protocol.
So, to preface this post, I should say we are now putting the Italy trip on hold until I find out the info I need. No taking chances there!
Instead, we plan on going to Sonoma, Napa and San Fran, other beautiful places I have yet to visit. We will be taking a trip soon in October. I can’t wait!
SO…Since I wrote this post, before the trip was on hold; I still found this post to be relevant as there will be an Italian Vacation in the future. ….
Duo Lingo
One of the phrases I remember my hubby studying a reciting from his course was “The Monkey Reads a Book.”
Well, I am not Italian, nor could I tell you how they live over there, but I could say with confidence, that there are not many monkeys reading books over there!
Those Important Phrases
Where were the meat and potatoes of the lessons? Now, I can tell you what phrases or things I thought were important or imperative to know while in Italy. I realize this is personal, and everyone’s phrases may be different… but for me…
- Vino ! Per Favore Transalation: Wine, please. ! I have mentioned quite a few times on the blog, how much I enjoy wine and learning about various cultures, flavors. etc. So, I assume, when I am out of wine, I might say this phrase.
- Where is my Husband? My hubby is the type that if we are in Target, he takes one route ( food ) I take another route usually ( makeup or clothes) and we usually have to text each other to find each other in Target. He once in our dating history, before cell phones, bought me a walky- talky. ( Yes, this was awhile ago!) I recall a time when I was in the ladies dressing room using my talky saying ” Breaker Breaker, I am in the women’s dressing room. Out in 15. Over” Needless to say this is Target, we are talking Italy. A . Whole. Country. I don’t plan on losing him !!
- Where is the bathroom? as a lady with the bladder of a small child, combined with Gastroperesis, I imagine I will be needing to know where the facilities are no matter where we are. Plus all of that wine … and food… you know?!
- I need a nap. Although we are staying at a VRBO condo and our host speaks English, I thought I would ask my hubby how to translate, I need a nap? I figure with being 50 and all, and having EDS, and the fatigue that comes with it, I will need naps several times a day in between excursions. It’s a good phrase to know!
- My feet are killing me! – Well, I do think I have that covered as I am going to be taking my Jambu boots and shoes oversees. The memory foam footbed will be a Godsend when we trek Pompeiii or through Rome, Almalfi.
- Help Me! – I just included this in case something happens. I am a great swimmer, but if we rent a boat to Capri and I fall overboard, in the Mediterranean Sea, its important to know how to say “Help” in different languages.
- No, I am Married. Just in case, Fabrizio or Francesco wants to flirt and “take me away ” from everything, I need to be able to say… oh, you are lovely, but I am sorry, “I am married. “
- Id Like to offer — since I am a fashion blogger and I am crazy about Italian leather goods, I love a great purse or jacket, but want a fair price and not “taken for a ride” because I am a foreigner. I need to know what is fair and what I can offer.
- Vino Por Favor – Please, in my favor, pour some more! Ok, I know it doesn’t mean that and I think I might have stated that, but there are some good Italian wines out there and I need to know how to ask for more… 🙂
- Nightclub? Where is X Club? Although I am middle-aged, and I usually go to bed by 10, I may actually live “on the edge” and go to an Italian Nightclub! I would love to see what the scene is like over seas. I do like to dance. I am not going to say I am a great dancer, but I like to dance and express myself! at this #10, you may have to refer to # 1, 2 and 3 again.
I am sure there is more Italian I need to know, but perhaps Google Translate and my hubby can get me by at the start. Things like, “How many steps? ” ( when we are walking back to our VRBO in Sorrento overlooking the sea) and “Molto Pieno” which means “Very full”. ( I love Italian food!)
If you have been to Italy and can think of several phrases that would be of the utmost importance for me, please let me know in the comments. If you enjoyed my list and think these will be helpful, please let me know as well!
Passa un buon fine Settimana ( Have a good weekend!)
Jess xo
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Fashion Schlub
Posted at 19:16h, 11 OctoberVery smart of you to learn phrases in advance. Maybe “where is the hospital” and “where is a police officer,” in the event of…well, just in case. “Where is the drug store?” Boy, what a pessimist I am!
I wish you luck in your eventual travels!
Thanks for linking up with the Fabulous Friday link-up!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:33h, 12 OctoberThank you Bettye
Those are very good phrases! Mine were meant a bit tongue in cheek, but I like those! xx
Fashion Schlub
Posted at 12:53h, 13 OctoberFor as long as I can remember, and for the life of me I don’t know where this thing came from in the first place, but my daughter and I had a card on the refrigerator that was Japanese (I think) phrases, translated…but they were such obscure phrases they made us laugh. It was like “how do I get to the pencil factory” and “do you know the way to the Para Para?”
Posted at 11:21h, 09 OctoberHaving a few phrases available when you travel is SO key! Italy is definitely on my bucket list!
Le Stylo Rouge
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:31h, 09 OctoberSo true! I look forward to it too! xx
Posted at 00:18h, 08 OctoberI have not been to Italy but I think it’s important to learn about the culture you are traveling to and some phrases as well!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:25h, 08 OctoberYes, I agree! Thanks for stopping by Ruth! xx
Posted at 18:19h, 07 OctoberEnjoy the trip to Napa, I do hope the Italy trip is green lighted soon! I forget how I dealt with my injectable Methotrexate, I do remember I had to find a container for “hazardous” substances for my left over syringes… which was awkward..
Enjoy and have a wonderful time, you deserve it !
xo, Elle
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:24h, 08 OctoberHi Elle, Thank you! I look forward to our trip. I think everyone needs a vacation at least once a year. I appreciate the info on your medicine, once I feel secure in knowing what I have to do, we will go. Anyhoo, about 2 more weeks! xx
Posted at 10:06h, 07 OctoberGosh Jess, that is crazy that it’s so hard to find out about bringing your medications into Italy. You are so smart though to think of that ahead of time. When our son was on medication that had to be injected nightly we were traveling in the US and had to have a letter from the doctor so we could take it on as a carry on. It would be horrible if they took your medication!
I am glad you have an alternative trip planned and I know you will love it!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:14h, 07 OctoberThanks Kellyann! Yes, my medications are not allow everywhere in certain countries, and it could be life threatening if they were to take it away. I am thankful my hubby and I discussed this, and we will go in the future when I get answers. I can’t wait for our trip at the end of this month! We’ll be taking lots of pictures and will share it here. I love posting about it on th e blog, as it is like a photo diary and memory of our trips. Have a great day! xx
Posted at 18:37h, 06 OctoberThis was cute, Jess. I especially like that you wanted to know how to say, “Where is my husband” and “No, I am married.” I would have never thought of that! Glad you still get to go away and I’ll be looking forward to hearing of your adventures from your travels here in the states. Italy will still be there later. Better to be safe and have everything figured out before you go. Hope you are having a great weekend! – Amy
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:40h, 07 OctoberThank you Amy! Glad you liked the post and my sense of humour! We go in 2.5 weeks to SF and Sonoma and I am looking forward to the getaway. Yes, we hope to go in the future . xx
Posted at 14:55h, 06 OctoberGreat phrases! My feet are killing me is something I relate to, ha ha!
Raindrops of Sapphire
Jessica A Jannenga
Posted at 16:31h, 06 OctoberHi Lorna, yes I dress with that in mind when traveling! Xx
Suzanne Smith
Posted at 08:56h, 06 OctoberThis is such a fun post! What a great idea to know a few phases before going to another country! I really love that “wine please” was your first phrase. I think we would get along just fine!!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:10h, 06 OctoberThank you Suzanne, glad you enjoyed it!. I know, my priorities, right?xx
This Main Line Life
Posted at 00:09h, 06 OctoberHa, I love phrase number 2: Where Is My Husband. I have one of those wanderers too. He’s always getting separated from the family. Hope you’re able to eventually get to Italy. I totally agree that it’s best to be cautious about meds.
X, Julie | This Main Line Life
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:09h, 06 OctoberThanks for stopping Julie! Glad you enjoyed my humor! But hubby does tend to get lost! 🙂 xx
Ivana Split
Posted at 17:14h, 05 OctoberI always feel so home at Italy, I must have been Italian in another life.
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:11h, 06 OctoberI hope to feel that way sometime in the near future 🙂 xx
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 15:33h, 05 OctoberHello! I really appreciate you, Izzi, pointing me in a direction, where I might find how to bring in my meds. I will check those out, the bog as well. Thanks so much! I’ll be posting on our Napa/Sonoma/SF trip this year, ( in 3 weeks) but hope to visit Italy once I find out what I need to know. Have a lovely weekend! xx
Laura Marie (@lauramariescott)
Posted at 13:23h, 05 OctoberA great post thank you so much for your guide to Italy in terms of phrases, the ‘No I’m married’ one made me chuckle, a great one to use (if not true) to avoid the old Italian charm… teehee!
I do love Italy and the romance of the place, recently been watching Jamie Oliver experiencing food cooked by all the Nonnas in the area, really enjoyed it and got a real feel of places I hadn’t heard of before.
Enjoyed your post and thanks for sharing it!
Laura xo
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 15:28h, 05 OctoberHello Laura, glad you enjoyed the post. I had to add my brand of humour to it! I bet that was great. I enjoy watching the Food Network at times and I bet the show took you there. Thanks for stopping by! xx
Kathy Luff
Posted at 08:54h, 05 OctoberHi Jess
I hope you do get to the Amalfi coast sometime, but do avoid July and August as it is soooo very busy everywhere. Late spring or early autumn are perfect. You will definitely need good comfortable shoes as even if you don’t go hiking in the beautiful hills above Amalfi, many of the streets in Sorrento, Positano, Amalfi and so on, are steep, cobbled, or stepped. No heels! My husband and I have been holidaying in Positano every year since 2005. It is one of our most favourite places in the world. I would be very surprised if you had problems with taking your medication, though of course you are wise to make sure. The food is divine – everything is fresh and delicious, usually locally grown and often organic. The wine is good too. Italians always appreciate someone trying their language even if it’s only ‘grazie ‘ or ‘per favore’. Here’s to your trip!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 15:31h, 05 OctoberHI Kathy!
Oh does that sound wonderful. One of my friends went to Positano and loved it. and that sounds wonderful that you and your husband go. I have certain medication for my EDS that could be troublesome, didn’t want to list it, but I would feel better if I had the knowledge of what to do. I am all about comfortable shoes when traveling! Cushioned and comfy are a must! I appreciate the advice 🙂 It really sounds wonderful Kathy, I will look forward to it in the future. xx
Posted at 03:59h, 05 OctoberÈ così bello!
I have been travelling to Italy for years with no bother regarding medications which I always keep in their original packaging with a copy of the prescription, however, I am in the UK. A good place to start looking for advice is the ex-pat forums where you’ll find people from all over who’ve had to take medication into Italy and will know the relevant websites to check. If you have no luck there you could try ‘An American In Rome’ blog – she’s very knowledgeable and could probably point you in the right direction. Good luck! You’ll love Italy.