MorningWell, a great time was had at the Journey/Def Leppard concert! I wrote about it and will feature what i wore and more about the concert in my post for Turning Heads Tuesday tomorrow. It was one of the most fun evenings I have had in awhile! So amazing! I had so much fun, I danced most of the night and needed Sunday to recoup! :-)Today I am "shopping my closet". As tempting as it is, especially as a fashion blogger to buy what's new, I have some "older" favorites in my closet, waiting to be worn.Its been awhile on the blog that I wore a skirt, other than my jean skirt. i enjoy a pretty skirt, but I am more apt to wear dresses in the summer. I did decide however, to pair this yellow mesh, flouncy top with my pink and chartreuse, yellow pencil skirt from Ann Taylor.