Hello ladies and Gents,I hope everyone had a nice weekend, as I want to know where the time went! I am still trying to adjust to Daylight Savings time, and wake up feeling tired. My boy Gibby just turns around from being in his tight little ball of fur, to staring at me knowing it's F-O-O-D time! Truffles has joined in the "Morning Stare Down", and I laugh and get out of bed. As far as weather goes, we have had some usual record temps here in Charlotte with a few days in the 80s! Charlotte, has in the past gone from Winter to Summer, but this is just one of those spells everyone is experiencing ,and we will be back to normal temps. Today I decided to show you an outfit with pattern mixing. I have done this as a very subtle way in the past, HERE with stripes and a leopard print, and today I am sharing one of the more popular way to mix patterns, floral and stripes.