TGIF Ladies! Is everyone stuffed from Thanksgiving? We had such a good time as my sister's family came for Thanksgiving and i made a dish with the smoked turkey, along with corn pudding, cranberries and pumpkin pie to finish. I remember having some traditions we had when my grandpap was alive. As part Ukrainian, Pap would have us eat a tablespoon of Kutya before the meal, as it represented,"Good Luck". My memory was me, holding my nose, and shoveling it in, as to not disappoint my Pap. We would go around the table and say what we were thankful for. I'd love to hear of traditions you do during the holidays as well.I know some people have a tradition of going out and shopping on Black Friday with their mom or friends. I did get up years ago, at the crack of dawn, with my husband, as he wanted a certain computer Best Buy was offering. We did not end up getting the deal, and needless to say, since we were there, we went in the store. I did not like the feeling. Rushing, pushing, chaos and urgency of people around me, as I was bumped into and pushed with not an "excuse me' in sight. To me, nothing is worth this type of behavior, nor does it make me feel the meaning of the holiday. I would much rather, stay in the comfort of my home, casually sitting on the couch, cup of coffee in hand, looking at some Sales online. Today, I am sharing some of those Black Friday sales with you.