20 Jul How Do You Find Peace in Your Life?
Happy Friday Ladies!
I have found myself more reflective over the past 5 years. Maybe that comes with age. I have every good intention of going to sleep some nights at 10 pm, only to roll over and think about 4 billion things that run through my mind, I was thinking last night, how do you find peace in your life? What brings you inner peace?
For me, I find that if I “Don’t sweat the small stuff’, that helps me with not worrying about minor things in life. I ask myself, “Is this important in the Grand Scheme of Life” and if i answer no, i let it go.
Mediation. I have learned to use Guided Mediation and this will help relax me and keep me centered and “in the moment.’ If you are interested in Guided Meditation, I have found many recordings that are useful on Amazon. I also wrote about living ‘in the moment’ in this blog post.
Self- Care- taking care of one’s self is not an act of selfishness. I find that it shows a respectfulness and love for yourself. I enjoy taking baths, with espom salts to help relieve muscle pain, as well as just the act of taking care of my body with healthy foods and exercise is so important.
Journal- I use a journal that I write in each night, and write about the day, my feelings and emotions. By recognizing how I feel on a given day I am practicing self- awareness.
Gratitude- I think with inner peace, comes a gratitude that we experience. I may list things in my journal in which I am grateful, or i may make a mental list of things. I am certainly grateful for my husband, and lucky to have a supporting and understanding hubby. I know dealing with a chronic condition and disease is not always easy, but having someone there for you is so important.
I am grateful for my family. We have a very loving and supportive family. I miss my Dad, but realize that family is so important in life. Along those lines, I am grateful for my puppies. We got them when I was at my worst, with EDS and they are such a comfort and joy.
Do not harbour grudges. There are few things in life worth holding on to. I find that holding on to anger only hurts you and adds stress and negativity to life. Let things go!
Enjoy Nature– for me, being outside is very calming. One of the most peaceful places I find is the woods. I enjoy camping and exploring in nature. I try and take the time to enjoy the “little things’. I love to take hikes and to just explore different areas. We are not far from the mountains, here in Charlotte, and it is one of the things i love most about this area.
Don’t Compare– It can be difficult to do in this day and age of social media. Realize that images are just that, not representations of real life. Try not to compare yourself or your life to others. If you can be happy with the life you have, and have gratitude for the things that are most important to you, I find there is less of a need for comparison.
Self-Love– Being happy with yourself. I know for me, this has taken some years. I do feel midlife is a time where we may find more acceptance and happiness within ourselves, as we learn more about ourselves. Appreciate the person you are. If you had to describe yourself, without using physical characteristics, how would you?
Pray- I say prayers at any time helping me, thanking God for blessings I have.
Hobbies- Unleash your creativity. I think for me, there is a peace in being able to do what I love- writing, fashion, and music are just some of my interests. Read What’s Your Passion?
I wouldn’t say all of these things are easy, but for me, they are ways I find peace within myself. . I would love to hear your thoughts and how you find inner peace?
If you enjoyed this read-
On a lighter note, today begins the Nordstrom Sale for the public. Every blogger and their mother posted about it, and I don’t want to oversaturate . However, I wanted to let my readers know that this Annual Sale will have items for Fall, at a discount.
So happy shopping if you choose to do so!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Jess xo
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Sharing a Journey
Amy Christensen
Posted at 21:07h, 20 JulyIn the Bible it says, “Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” My belief in a supreme being and His care for me is my greatest source of peace, but all of the things you mentioned are things I do as well, especially journaling, prayer, thanksgiving and enjoying nature. As you say, it isn’t always easy and at times, we have to be purposeful about seeking peace in order to find it. Great things to think about. Thanks, Jess. Have a great weekend. – Amy
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:22h, 21 JulyThank you Amy. I appreciate your input. Yes, it isn’t easy, and I enjoy hearing about what you do to find peace. Glad you enjoyed my post and have a great weekend too! xx
Posted at 19:11h, 20 JulyThese are all great way to find inner peace. I know for me I like to pray and give thanks! Everything that I have in life I am grateful for, good and bad. I feel like remembering that helps me be humble and always bring perspective. A lot of the times when life happens and it gets hard it’s easy to focus only on that difficulty but being able to look inside and say I am grateful changes my outlook because I know there are others who have it worse. That stops me dead in my track to a pity party. Happy Friday and wishing you a great weekend ahead!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 10:23h, 21 JulyThank you Maureen I like your perspective and that you are grateful for good and bad. Sometimes the bad helps us grow. Enjoy your weekend as well! xx
Shelly Jo Janac
Posted at 16:14h, 20 JulyI feel so much the same Jess…midlife just gave me the permission to live freely and with peace I feel like. Such great tips!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:24h, 22 JulyThank you Shelly! Yes, I just feel more relaxed these days, try to go with the flow and not let a lot bother me. Thanks for stopping! xx
Deborah Ross
Posted at 15:36h, 20 JulyI’ve just finished teaching an online course on the Serenity Prayer, so your post is timely. I recommend the book on this prayer written by Trevor Hudson. My faith keeps me grounded and I am always reminded that God is in control and all things will ultimately work out according to God’s will. That is how I keep peace.
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:25h, 22 JulySounds great Debbie! I love the Serenity prayer. Thank you for popping by! xx
Posted at 08:51h, 20 JulyThese are great ways….I do love the fact that I realize my blessings and try to appreciate them daily. I still have nights that I’m thinking about everything, but most times I’ve learned to let things go!!!
Enjoy your weekend, Jess!!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:52h, 20 JulyHi Jodie, yes! I need to learn better ways to go to sleep. I am like my mom where i think about things and mull them over before bed. I need to tune out and rest. Same to you Jodie! xx
Posted at 08:18h, 20 JulyYes, the older I have gotten the more I crave inner peace. For me it’s essential to stay on top of my self care and that not only means exercise and nutrition but dealing with issues as they come up head on. I am the kind of person who would rather be in a small group of intimate friends than a large group of acquaintances and I am okay with that. I avoid people who crave drama and gossip. It helps so much to be aware of the things that keep me from living my best life!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:50h, 20 JulyHi Kellyann, I know what you mean. Yes, not letting issues stress you out really is important, and that may mean resolving things as you said, head on. I am with you with friendships as well. I have a small group of close friends and enjoy this as well. I can’t do drama!! Thanks for your input! xx
Posted at 01:24h, 20 JulyI very much enjoyed this post, you gave me food for thought. Very well written and thought provoking. Thank you.
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:51h, 20 JulyThank you Karen, so glad you enjoyed it. xx