Hello Ladies!10 more days until Christmas! I am like a kid when it comes to Christmas Day, minus the usual getting up at 5 am to see what Santa brought me. No! Since Gibby and Truffles do not know any better, they do not pat me with their paws in the morning, saying "Mommy, Mommy, SantaPaws came! TIme to wake up!" I put them in their Santa Suits and we make our way downstairs. We make it a leisurely morning, brew the coffee, have the smell of pastries or bagels in the air, and take our time. We do not make it arduous and open one gift, tenderly picking at the paper as if to save it, but we don't exactly tear in to the gifts not knowing what each other was given!! The pups do have their own stockings which resemble a puppies face and they are ready when I put the stockings on the floor to stick their whole head in to find the puppy treats. I do love giving gifts! I need to master the art of wrapping a bit more, but the bar was set high by my mother in law! I have always been excited for Christmas and giving gifts. I love decorating the tree, and over the weekend we went a bit wild, and Michaels going in for two items like gift bags and tape, only to leave with a cartful of garland, ribbon for the tree, ornaments and more.