Fashion, Link Up / 12.04.2016
Turning Heads #Linkup-Wearing a Floral Retro Pencil Dress- Lilac and Peach with Block Heels
Hello Ladies and Gents,You all know me, at least most of my favorite styles by now. Yes, the floral fantastic profusion has begun! There may be an abundance of florals just ahead as the Spring season is here and the sun decides to emerge for more than a few hours. I do tend to wear many florals, maybe so much by some standards that they should be sprouting from my ears and between my toes. But I can't say no! Florals are trending now, but I was wearing them prior to the trend, just like to see that I fall in accordance to some trends. My mom is now visiting traveling back and forth from my sister's house to ours, and I have discovered some pictures of when I began my love for florals. Looking through some pictures when I was younger, I was 10 and in a school presentation when I wore a blue floral dress I was quite in love with. Perhaps my obsession with florals began then. I will have to share some of these images in upcoming posts.