07 Mar Shades of Brown with My Furry Pals
Hello everyone! It was a lovely day today and we decided to take advantage of a good day with weather and my health. We of course brought the puppies out, and they actually know the word “car ride”, so they get excited, and their ears perk up.The place we often frequent is called, Birkdale, but I renamed it, ” Barkdale” as it is very dog friendly. The funny thing is the my pups, when taking a walk, actually make a b-line for the little boutiques, the hair salon, and wine bar, that we go to! I think my little girl thinks she can go into the salon and get her nails done! We decided to stop and sit a bit a Starbucks to get a frozen double chocolate chocolate chip something or other… All I want to say, is make it frozen, with coffee, chocolate, and whipped creme.. sold! This was one of those warm days for it.
We decided before the walk and the drinks to snap some shots since it was a nice day, and we left the pups in the car.Honestly,they wanted in on the shoot.They are so laid back and such a comfort, I just love them! My girl is not a Diva, but more of a Princess, and my boy Gibson, is just that, has all the mannerisms of boy.Prior to this however, one woman had to stop me at Starbucks while I was sitting outside with the pups, and said ,”You just HAD to color coordinate with them didn’t you?”It was funny, but kind of silly at the same time coming from a stranger, but I laugh and go with the flow. I bought this leopard brown skirt a bit ago, and as you can see, I am a fan of pencil skirts. My boots I just love, as they are Born boots, and they are not only super comfortable, but stylish as well.I tend to just buy things that “call out to me”, or items I tend to go back and look at again and again.
Wrap top: Banana Republic,( similar) Skirt: Loft ( similar), Boots: Born, jewerly (1928.com)
Link Up: stylelixer ( Fri link up) Visable Monday: Notdeadyet
Posted at 20:55h, 16 MarchHi, I love wearing brown too and your outfit is so stylish. Cant wait to look round the rest of your blog with a cup of tea tomorrow. 🙂
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 09:19h, 17 MarchThanks so much. I like brown as well as some classic animal prints, had to bring my pups in on it! Thanks for stopping by, great feel free to look around. I am a big tea fan too ! 🙂
Mary Murnane
Posted at 11:25h, 12 MarchOh, how I love your dogs! Adorable! And it made me smile to see how coordinated they are with your look, which by the way is amazing. I love your style, and how you’ve styled that fabulous skirt! And the boots add a modern twist that I absolutely love!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 11:45h, 12 MarchThanks so much. I will visit your blog as well. Did you find me through Pleated Poppy link up? I love them so much, the best, low maintenance pups. They get so excited to see us. It was funny how it turned out that way, us looking color coordinated, but I swear it was not planned 🙂 Thank you for the lovely comments.
Mary Murnane
Posted at 12:49h, 12 MarchI actually found you on another new blog I just discovered this morning – Visible Monday Link-up. I look forward to following you!
Have a great day!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 12:53h, 12 MarchThank you Mary , Like wise. Yes, I am on there usually weekly as well as Pleated Poppy. I will watch your site as well. Take care
Posted at 14:44h, 11 MarchAwwwh. So sweet, the pups … and so sleek, you! Great combination and your pieces are perfect.
Our little back woods town has a ban on dogs in their crappy park. Can you imagine? Not just off leash, but no dogs at all. That’s small spirits at work, in my book.
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 14:48h, 11 MarchNo, can’t believe it! As I mentioned, I renamed the place Barkdale, as there are so many people with their dogs there. That is a shame about your park, you think they would just have them on a leash and be fine.They are such buddies to me, such a comfort… love em! They are off to the groomers today and it is getting to hot for alot of fur. Thank you for the compliment! Honest, I did not plan to color coordinate:-)
Posted at 21:33h, 09 MarchYour pups are so cute! Love your outfit. I’m a huge fan of Born shoes. They are SO comfy!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 23:24h, 09 MarchThank you. They are so well mannered and low key. Just like me! Thank you for the compliment on my outfit. I too, love Born and hope to acquire more as they are comfy. Will check out your site tomorrow, stop by anytime 🙂
Posted at 19:31h, 09 MarchSo cute…the style and the dogs!! I actually use to have a pin which matched this necklace perfectly…I think my daughter took it…I might have to take it back! You look lovely!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 19:33h, 09 MarchThank you. THey are my best friends. We take them out alot in the spring. It is so fun to sit out with them at different places. Interesting about the necklace.ha! Appreciate the compliments 🙂
Patti @ NotDeadYet Style
Posted at 19:16h, 09 MarchAll three of you look lovely and happy. Sounds like a wonderful day, all-round. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 19:31h, 09 MarchWe are! I love my little buddies so much! They are a comfort, so fun, and just so down to earth dogs. Thank you Patti for providing this! I want to show my Mad Men post tomorrow, so I will then. take care!
Lady of Style
Posted at 16:45h, 07 MarchLaughing about your colour coordinated puppies, Jess 🙂 They really seem to have their own characters!
I am glad you had a chance to go out, enjoyed the day together and you felt good.
Pencil skirts are also my favourites and for sure everything wrapped as it is so figure flattering!
Love the style of the houses in the backdrop.
Annette | Lady of Style
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 17:23h, 07 MarchThank you! Yes, I love my little buddies so much! I truly can see how people live longer with puppies. They are so different, my boy is very attached to me ( red hair, black face) and my girl is slightly more attached to my husband. She is more reserved, and my Gib is more outgoing. You know how people say you look like your dogs? Well our personalities match pretty closely, it is funny. I just got another Pencil skirt for spring, and can’t wait to wear. Thank you. Everything has balanced out so far, but yes, I should have said to the woman, ” Oh, you should see when I wear my Missoni wrap dress, and I bring that dog out!” Only a joke a fashionista could appreciate.
Posted at 15:22h, 07 MarchDo you have different colored Shih Tzus for different outfits? You could have a whole house full of dogs of every color. “Lets see, which one goes with this skirt.”
Jess Jannenga
Posted at 15:32h, 07 MarchHa ha. I would if I could! I don’t know if I am ready for a house full of purple and teal shih tzus :-))