over 50 skin care - Elegantly Dressed and Stylish
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Beauty / 11.05.2018

 Morning Ladies!I am quite excited to share with you a skin care line I love and believe in! I was introduced to it last year, and you can read about my first review HERE. is my primary line of skin care I use daily. I have shared other skin care products on the blog, in which I tried, and I may supplement with a few products here and there, but found the science and reliability of NCN Professional  Skin care to be fantastic.The creator and owner Nanci, is wonderful, she has answered many of my questions and has a passion for her business.
Beauty / 05.02.2018

Happy MondayI hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We went to see the Tonya Harding movie, and really enjoyed it and Allison Janey's performance. Tonya's mother was a piece of work. The girl selling us tickets told us, "I think it is about a famous skater..." i had to laugh,as we lived through the whole Tanya Harding/Nancy Karrigan experience... and of course, the Superbowl.Anyhow, moving on to today's post... I know these Winter months can wreck havoc on our skin if we don't take care of it. My skin is considered "normal" but it can get dry from time to time. I was contacted by Saranghae, an award winning  skin care company to review their 5 step system.