fall - Elegantly Dressed and Stylish
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Fashion / 24.09.2015

IMG_9175IMG_9163Hello Ladies!We all know the fall season, as far as retailers are concerned begins in August. North Carolina doesn't agree. The weather truly doesn't  become fall-ish until end of October -November. However, I doth protest! How can one read the magazines, go to Fall fashion shows and view others in their fall attire and not want to join in wearing boots, oxfords, leggings, jeggings, denim, blazers, all in falls glorious colors. I plan to do a post on Pantone's Colors for fall, and am happy to say they truly go with my skin tone this year!
Fashion, Uncategorized / 12.11.2014

IMG_5392Hello LadiesI mentioned that my husband, me and the pups were going to Asheville, NC to visit and see their 5th Annual Film Festival. We have attended 4, and make it an annual event for us. Asheville, NC is an artsy town, where music, dreadlocks, films, art, craftsmanship, all co-exist. We had a great time, and I would like to share it with you!
Fashion / 10.10.2014

IMG_4738No, I am not in combat, did not just sign up for the military, and am not inhabited by another being that is not "Jess". I have  looked through so many blogs, and having seen so many of you in combat jeans/pants, I decided to step out of my comfort zone of dresses and skirts and buy a pair. In a sense I am in combat, trying to "combat bad fashion".
Fashion / 12.09.2014

IMG_4279Hello Ladies,Let me start off my saying TGIF!! Today's outfit was brought on by confusion. See, it can be 90 one day in Sept, then 75 the next, and lately it has mostly been hot. So, we went to lunch at a delicious place called 131 Main here in Lake Norman, NC. I wanted to introduce some fall-ish colors today with my attire, so here we are.